Herma Auguste Wittstock Performance Art

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Image Of Toronto

2006 / 1 hour / live performance / X-Space, Toronto, CA

I’m standing in the big window of the room. People can only see me from outside. I wear a red skirt and a white sweater. I have a bowl with molasses in one hand and a brush in the other.

I’m writing everything I thought is different in Toronto mirrored on the glass of the window. So the public outside can read it in the normal way. For example I write: “Squirrels are black instead of red, people are extreme friendly here, smoking is more expensive, on the other side of street is standing a nice car” …

Because of the liquidness after a while the molasses are running down the window, people could just read one or two sentences. At the end I lick the molasses, the text up from the glass.


Photos/Videos: Dariusz Fodczuk